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The Fight Against Project 2025


Project 2025 is a manifesto that seeks to undermine our progress, dismantle democracy, and take us back to a time when we did not have a vote or a voice.
The comprehensive policy agenda, proposed by a coalition of over 100 conservative organizations, drastically reshapes federal government, particularly impacting Black and marginalized communities.
The proposed policies under Project 2025 include significant rollbacks in regulatory protections, reductions in social welfare programs, the dismantling of the federal civil service workforce, and ban any focus on equity.
We denounce Project 2025 and put forward Our 2025, a collection of policies aimed to benefit Black Americans and the entire nation. Our 2025 is marked by higher wages, investments in our schools, pathways to progress within our criminal justice system, and so much more.
We must fight, we must advocate – we must vote – to ensure that Project 2025 does not become our reality.
The Impact of Project 2025
Project 2025 threatens civil rights gains with plans to dismantle affirmative action, weaken anti-discrimination laws, and reduce the enforcement powers of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), threatening to reverse gains made in employment equity and equal opportunity
On Your Health
When it comes to healthcare, Project 2025 proposes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, reduce Medicaid funding, and eliminate programs aimed at addressing health disparities, which would lead to reduced access to healthcare services and worsening health outcomes for African Americans.
When it comes to education, Project 2025 seeks to defund public education in favor of private and charter schools, eliminate diversity and inclusion programs, and rollback protections for students of color, undermining educational opportunities and exacerbating racial disparities in academic achievement.
On Your Environment
The environmental impacts of Project 2025 would include the rollback of key environmental protections, reduction of enforcement of environmental regulations, and prioritization of industrial and corporate interests over community health, disproportionately affecting low-income and minority communities that are already burdened with environmental hazards and pollution.
On Criminal Justice
Project 2025 includes measures to increase policing and incarceration, reduce funding for community-based alternatives, and eliminate initiatives aimed at addressing systemic racism in the justice system, which would lead to higher incarceration rates and further entrench racial inequalities.

Project 2025 is a policy proposal that seeks to undermine our progress, dismantle democracy, and take us back to a time when we did not have a vote or a voice. The overarching goal of the project is to “gut the administrative state from within,” and is incredibly harmful to the Black community.