South Side Farms: July Activities and Updates


    From the desk of Maurice Theriot Executive Director of South Side Farms

    Cape Girardeau, MO – Greetings! South Side Farms has had a productive and engaging July, marked by successful food stands, planting activities, and community engagement efforts. Here is a summary of our activities and achievements this month.

    Food Stand Success
    Responding to community requests, South Side Farms has held three vegetable food stands this year. The latest took place Wednesday, July 24th, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. We offered a variety of farm fresh produce which included carrots, tomatoes, squash, three kinds of peppers, cucumbers, okra, beets, and green beans.
    The July 24th, food stand served 42 households, representing 102 individuals, the majority of which were from the Southside community. The positive turnout and feedback underscore the importance of these food stands in providing access to fresh, locally grown produce within a federally designated food desert.
    While we have historically, operated our food stands on a “pay what you can” basis, soon we’ll move to a more sustainable business model by implementing a formal pricing structure, and accepting EBT, to ensure that our farm to table produce remains accessible to all.

    Planting and Harvesting
    Under farm manager Jake Smith’s capable stewardship, South Side Farms has enjoyed remarkable productivity. For example, our tomato harvests this month exceeded 200 pounds! We pride ourselves in taking a broad community-driven approach to crop selection. Some examples of our Spring 2024 favorites were, collard greens, lettuce, kohlrabi, cilantro, garlic, cabbage, green beans, carrots, squash, peppers, and sugar snap peas.
    To ensure a generous fall harvest, Jake has initiated over 23 seedling trays for succession planting and germination is already underway! Until we acquire our own, we are currently leveraging a greenhouse in Poplar Bluff, to grow starts for fall planting, which will certainly contribute to a rich and bountiful harvest in the coming months.
    We aim to be strategic in our planting, while listening to the desires of the community. Looking ahead to fall, our offerings will include cabbage (both purple and green), sweet potatoes, large amounts of collard greens, (a direct request from the Southside community), along with turnips, kale, broccoli, lettuce, and something new for many people to try, like Bok choy, just to name a few. These crops will continue to support our mission of providing nutritious food to those we serve.

    Wm. Bird Speaks to his Boys and Girls Club summer program.

    Community Engagement
    July was also a month of significant community engagement. I along with operations manager Wyky Jean, had the pleasure of presenting before the Healthy Community Coalition, a partnership of community health workers dedicated to promoting healthy nutrition and active lifestyles in our
    region. This opportunity allowed us to highlight the work of South Side Farms and explore potential partnerships with community health workers.
    Additionally, I gave my first group presentation to the Boys and Girls Club at the Shawnee Center and hosted them at our farm. Their enthusiasm and curiosity were inspiring, reinforcing the importance of educating the younger generation about sustainable farming and eating healthy. Because when you know where your food comes from you can taste the difference!
    A notable highlight was finally meeting Dr. Kenny Haskins, our City Manager here in Cape Girardeau. I am pleased to note that South Side Farms has direct access to an avid supporter, beneficial resource, and esteemed friend of the farm. He stands ready to provide vital letters of support from his office, as we embark upon future endeavors.

    Meeting City manager Dr Ken Haskins (center ) with Lloyd Williams (right) Marurice Theriot Left

    Looking Forward
    The date of our next food stand will be released soon. Currently we’re looking at the second week of August, but follow us on social media for more details. We are excited to continue our work of expanding our footprint and outreach, while bringing fresh produce and agricultural education to the masses.
    South Side Farms remains committed to fostering a healthy, connected community through sustainable farming practices and active engagement. We appreciate the continued support and involvement of all who embrace the crucial work we are doing in moving South Side 4ward!
    For more information about our upcoming events and activities, or to become a volunteer, please contact our Administrative Assistant Sherrell Wright at 573-576-1051. We look forward to working with you.
    Let’s Grow Something Together!
    For further details and updates, stay connected with South Side Farms through Urban Voices, your hometown connection, also online at our support and participation are vital to our mission of promoting health, sustainability, and community well-being.