Home Community Cape Girardeau Launches Gun Violence Task Force to Combat Rising Violence

Cape Girardeau Launches Gun Violence Task Force to Combat Rising Violence


Leslie Washington reporting on the Gun Violence Task Force.

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, Cape Girardeau took a significant step in addressing the escalating issue of gun violence by holding the inaugural meeting of its newly formed Gun Violence Task Force at City Hall. The task force, organized by Nicolette Brennan, was established to find effective solutions to what many see as a public health crisis in the city. The group is made up of a diverse array of community members, including representatives from the juvenile department, tasked with bringing their perspectives and expertise to the table.
The first meeting was an open forum, allowing members to discuss the scope of the task force’s work, which will include regular presentations from experts, in-depth reviews of data systems that track where violence occurs in the community, and evaluations of other relevant services. These meetings, scheduled to continue through late October, are open to the public, underscoring the task force’s commitment to transparency and community involvement.
The second meeting, held on Thursday, August 1, featured a detailed presentation by representatives from Sound Thinking, the company behind the ShotSpotter system, which is currently employed by the Cape Girardeau Police Department to detect and respond to gunfire in real time. The presentation highlighted how ShotSpotter technology has been used effectively in Cape Girardeau, with the system reporting over 400 alerts and detecting nearly 1,500 rounds of gunfire in 2023 alone. The technology has proven invaluable in helping law enforcement quickly respond to incidents and has led to the recovery of more than 300 shell casings in its first year.
Additionally, K-9 Officer Scott Droddy introduced a new K-9 unit recently acquired by the Cape Girardeau Police Department. This “gun dog” is specifically trained to detect firearms and will be deployed at large public events where firearms are prohibited, such as school functions, church gatherings, and the upcoming SEMO District Fair in September. Officer Droddy explained that the dog is not trained for apprehension like traditional patrol dogs but is instead focused on identifying and following individuals carrying concealed firearms in crowded environments. The K-9 is expected to be fully operational by the end of August.
The task force has scheduled its next meeting for Thursday, August 15, from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM at the City Hall Council Chambers, with Judge Lewis slated as the keynote speaker. Cape Girardeau County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Welker is scheduled to speak at the following meeting on August 22. The task force will take a break on August 29 and will resume its sessions in September.
The Gun Violence Task Force includes a broad spectrum of community leaders, reflecting a comprehensive approach to addressing the issue. Members include co-chairman Adam Kidd, president of Kidd Oil Co.; co-chairwoman Jessica Hill, executive director of Safe House of Southeast Missouri; Cape Girardeau Public Schools superintendent Howard Benyon; Southeast Missouri State University president Carlos Vargas;, Moms Demand Action’s Leslie Washington; Cape Girardeau Public Schools district registrar Tina Wright; former Cape Girardeau Public School board member Lynn Ware; and Lighthouse United Church senior pastor Adrian Taylor, among others. Their collective efforts are aimed at curbing gun violence and fostering a safer community for all residents of Cape Girardeau.