A Symphony of Science, Music, and Determination


    Mena Jackson has been preparing for this moment since the fifth grade. With a carefully curated list of schools, a weighted GPA of 3.786, and a passion for both science and music, she’s now at the threshold of college—ready to take the next big step in her academic journey.
    But as college application season kicks into high gear, Mena faces more than just the usual stress of standardized tests and essays. Despite her clear intention to leave Missouri for college, she finds herself repeatedly handed information about in-state schools.
    From a young age, Mena knew she wanted to explore the world beyond her home state.

    Her dream list of colleges spans the nation, from the Ivy League to prestigious music conservatories. Brown University, Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Pennsylvania are her top choices for science.
    For music, she’s set her sights on Julliard, the Curtis Institute of Music, and Carnegie-Mellon University, among others. In her pursuit of excellence, Mena has taken every opportunity to meet with her school counselor and college advisor. However, despite making her aspirations clear, she often leaves these meetings with brochures and pamphlets for schools in Missouri.
    It’s a frustration that highlights the challenges many students face when trying to navigate the college application process, especially when their ambitions take them far from home.
    But Mena is no stranger to hard work. Her dedication extends beyond academics and into her passions and community service. A gifted musician, she has mastered the cello and violin, and also plays guitar, bass, and piano.
    Music is her lifeblood, and she plans to pursue it alongside science in college, balancing the two disciplines with the grace and precision that only years of practice and commitment can bring.
    Outside of school, Mena has made her mark through community service, notably at Saint James AME Church, where she participated in the “Kids in the Kitchen” program. For a year, every Sunday, Mena cooked meals for 20 to 40 people, only missing two Sundays to catch up on much-needed sleep.
    She’s also been involved in protests, trash cleanups, community gardening, and political campaigns, always in the background, quietly making a difference.
    In addition to her academic and extracurricular achievements, Mena is a polyglot in the making. She is currently learning French, Italian, and Japanese, with plans to add Latin, Greek, and Korean to her linguistic repertoire.
    Her curiosity and love for learning are boundless, qualities that will serve her well as she steps into the world beyond high school. As Mena prepares to apply to her dream schools, she continues to research internships and scholarship opportunities.
    With her impressive resume, she’s hopeful that these experiences will further her education and provide the support she needs to succeed.
    For those who know of any opportunities that could aid this exceptional young woman, any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Mena has put in the work, done the research, and is ready to soar—now all she needs is the chance to make her dreams a reality