Home Headlines ‘Project 2025’ the Movement That Could Erode Black Equality

‘Project 2025’ the Movement That Could Erode Black Equality


Spearheaded by a right-wing think tank, the agenda would roll back policies that have aided Black economic and social gains.

You could say that President Donald Trump over the past year has been on a revenge tour. Just recall the militant language that he’s used to rile up his followers: “I am your warrior. I am your justice. For those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” he declared at one gathering.
But only more recently have Americans gotten a concrete sense of what, precisely, that “retribution” might look like if Trump enters the White House in 2025.
Reporting from Axios revealed that one of the main goals of a second Trump administration would be to redirect the federal government’s focus to what the former president and his MAGA supporters believe is the actual problem afflicting our country: “anti-white racism.” In particular, they would erode 1960s-era policies that have nourished economic opportunities for Black Americans, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion programs that have flowered since the 2020 murder of George Floyd.
Project 2025 is a policy agenda developed by conservative organizations aiming to reshape various aspects of American society and government, with significant implications for the African American community.

The project, backed by the Heritage Foundation and other right-wing groups, includes proposals to roll back affirmative action, impose work requirements for Medicaid, and reduce reproductive rights, all of which could disproportionately harm African Americans.
Education: Project 2025 seeks to reverse student debt relief efforts, which would particularly impact Black borrowers who face higher debt burdens than their white counterparts. The potential rollback could hinder the economic mobility of many African Americans who rely on such relief to manage their finances​ (Capital B News)​​ (Global Hate Project)​.
Healthcare: The proposal to impose work requirements for Medicaid could disproportionately affect Black Americans, who already face systemic discrimination in the job market. These requirements would make it harder for many to access essential healthcare services, exacerbating existing health disparities​ (Capital B News)​.
Reproductive Rights: The project aims to severely restrict abortion access and reproductive healthcare, which would have a devastating impact on Black women. Black women are more likely to seek abortions and face higher risks during pregnancy, so limiting these services could lead to increased maternal mortality rates and reduced access to necessary reproductive care​ (Capital B News)​.
Civil Rights: Project 2025’s agenda includes dismantling affirmative action and other diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. Such changes would erode the progress made in addressing racial inequalities and reduce opportunities for African Americans in education and employment​ (Global Hate Project)​.
Climate and Environment: The project also targets the gutting of climate regulations, which would disproportionately impact African American communities that often bear the brunt of environmental hazards and pollution. Reducing these protections could lead to worsened health outcomes and decreased quality of life for these communities​ (Capital B News)​.

Overall, Project 2025 could significantly roll back civil rights and social progress, reinforcing systemic inequalities that have long affected the African American community. The agenda’s focus on reversing affirmative action, limiting healthcare access, and undermining reproductive rights poses serious threats to the well-being and advancement of African Americans in the United States​ (Capital B News)​​ (Global Hate Project)​