Home Community Kennett / Dunklin County Kay Collier Rebuilding Missouri From The Bootheel Up.

Kay Collier Rebuilding Missouri From The Bootheel Up.


Kay Collier is the Democratic candidate for the Missouri House of Representatives District 150 in Dunklin County, and portions of Pemiscot, and Butler counties. Help me Rebuild Missouri from the Bootheel Up! Elect Kay Collier (upballot.com)

Rural women deserve local OB-GYNs. Our district has some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the state. Missouri having the second largest decrease in OB-GYN residency will only make it worse. This can’t continue. We must Rebuild Missouri from the Bootheel Up.

I will fight for free school lunches, fully funded public schools (NO voucher program), and fully funded $50k starting salaries for teachers.

The same politicians who vote against free lunches, voted on mandated voucher programs and mandated, non-funded teacher salary increases. Stop the current Missouri GOP from using OUR tax dollars to fund private schools with voucher programs. Our rural public schools are the heart of our communities!

Did you know that the Republicans in Jefferson City almost passed a bill this session that would have taken the Social Security away from foster children to pay for their time in foster care? The cruelty of the Republican Party knows no bounds. They aren’t your Daddy’s Republican Party anymore friends. Elect me and I won’t stand for that kind of cruelty.

In Jefferson City this session Republicans fought hard to defund our public libraries. They don’t want an educated public folks.

I’m sharing our wonderful Dunklin County Library with all our branches that have such wonderful reading programs for children, & adults.

What’s on your summer reading list? I’m starting with Hit’em Where It Hurts How to Save Democracy By Beating Republicans At Their Own Game.

 I will help Rebuild Missouri From The Bootheel Up.