Home Community 14th “Our Lives, Our Stories” African American Women’s Health Conference

14th “Our Lives, Our Stories” African American Women’s Health Conference


Conference features compelling story, music, local author showcase, workshops, vendors, exhibits and recognition of local women

August 29, 2024

Legacy Training, Inc. announces the 14th “Our Lives, Our Stories” African American Women’s Health conference will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m on the beautiful campus of Shawnee Community College, 8364 Shawnee College Road, Ullin, Illinois. There is no registration fee, but pre-registration is requested by September 6, 2024. (everyone regardless of race and gender is welcome!)
The morning session features this year’s keynote speaker in the “Flamestarter” Author, Recording Artist and Mayor of Podcast Town, Mr. Elzie Flenard. The Honored Storyteller each year is a woman who has overcome incredible challenges. This year’s Storyteller is Dr. Rochelle Atkins, who survived her husband and his mistresses’ plot to destroy her life. The third plenary speaker is Felicia Kimbrough, subject matter expert in adolescent health. The local authors showcase opens at 8 a.m. in the exhibit/vendor hall, and includes Dr. Larry T. Barnett, Sr., Darrel Dexter, Dr. Lisa Childs-Thomas, Theresa Delsoin, Toya Wilson and Carla Childs.
“This year’s conference features additional workshops on developing a healthy lifestyle and enhancing your mental health, i.e. coping with allergies, yoga, make it take art, and care of houseplants, commented conference facilitator Lynne Chambers. “CHESI will also be on-site providing health screenings.”
Britany Mathews, of Cairo, will be recognized with the Ida B. Wells Award for service to the community, and Heather Murphy-Green will receive the Sojourner Truth Award for her activism.
Participants may wear the theme (“Shine Brightly”) colors, of royal blue, white and silver. We recommend that you dress comfortably. Layers are recommended. The vendor/exhibit hall will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., so plan to arrive early. Lunch will be available for purchase. On-site and late registrants will be asked to pay a $25.00 fee, and registrants that “no show” will be asked to pay a $10 fee. Sponsors include Shawnee Community College and Southern Illinois Health Care.
For more information and to register, visit www.legacytraininginc.org